
Digital options inc


digital options inc

We have detected that javascript is currently disabled. To get the fullest experience from our site we suggest enabling javascript. If you have any issues using our site please contact us. When merchants become a merchant member, they have the ability to survey their customers, however cannot ask for positive reviews. Find out how our ratings for a business is calculated. I ordered a printer that was in stock and called back after I received it to order another. They were out of stock and found the same one for me from a third party. They said they emailed options two weeks ago not true letting me know I need to pay additional shipping because they charge for anything over 5 lbs. I have no idea. Inc I specificly ordered a new one because I personally hate refurbished ones. I call digital and ask them what is up? They say that I ordered a options one and there was nothing they would do. Well first off I printed the invoice and description page clearly stating that it was brand new, not refurbished. I sent them scans and they have not responded. Thankfully I used paypal which will ensure I receive justice for this idiocracy! I digital via paypal. There was never any confirmation of shipment, no communication what so ever. I tried calling 5 times over 2 weeks and left a voice mail every time. No one has called me back. I tried emailing and going through their inc support, but have also never received a response. This screen was for a customer that options in on the 12th of July. The order was placed on the 15th, and here it is August 3rd now. I have tried and tried to contact someone for digital update. Even if the screen is inc available, please just call me back or refund the item. I have gone through paypal and filed a claim because it has been almost a month with no contact. I have no idea if the item would inc be sent out, and at this point would just like my money back. Shipped out right away. Yes I will order here again " We have detected that javascript is currently disabled. Confidential Customer Support RMA Required Review Guard Options Notification For Publicly Replies Customer Reviews MikePax report? Helpful Cool Ads by Google thesecretroom report? Helpful Cool ashleyhornbake report? Helpful Cool Read digital comments stevediii report? Learn more about the Merchant Member Program!

4 thoughts on “Digital options inc”

  1. ALEX-and-ER says:

    Help Baby Elsa to make the most beautiful Butterfly Face Art ever.

  2. adm.unix says:

    It is this reason why he wears, specialized contact lenses that can filter out the effect(much like Cyclopes with sunglasses).

  3. alesya_y says:

    A The Fairly Oddparents episode has Poof and Foop being paired to take care of an egg for a school assignment.

  4. AlexandrKorneev says:

    The story of V for Vendetta could happen in the world as we know it today.

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