
Binary options keywords


binary options keywords

Alternatively, you can set these parameters within the InConnectionString argument in the SQLDriverConnect call When set to a non-zero value Ncauses all queries in the connection to return N rows at a time rather than the entire result set Useful for queries against very large tables where it is not practical to retrieve the whole result set at once. You can scroll through the result set, N records at a time This option works only with forward-only cursors. Most of the connection parameters also have their own numeric constant values, which can be added up as a combined value for the option parameter for specifying those options. A statement to execute when connecting to MySQL. In version the parameter is called stmt. The driver supports the binary statement being executed only at the time keywords the initial connection password The password for the user account on server pwd Synonymous with password. Added in socket The Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to connect to if server is localhost sslca The path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs. Added in sslcapath The path to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format. Added in sslcert The name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection. Added in sslcipher A list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption. The cipher list has the same format as the openssl ciphers command. Added in sslkey The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection. Added keywords rsakey The full-path name of the PEM file that contains the RSA public key for using the SHA256 authentication plugin of MySQL. Added in sslverify If set to 1, the SSL certificate will be binary when used with the MySQL connection. If not set, then the default behavior is to ignore SSL certificate verification charset The character set to use for the connection. Added in readtimeout The timeout in seconds for attempts to read from the server. Each attempt uses this timeout value and there are retries if necessary, so the total effective timeout value is three times the option value. Added in writetimeout The timeout in seconds for attempts options write to the server. To establish a connection in this case, your application must keywords use the initstmt connection option to set a new password at keywords start, or issue a SET PASSWORD statement immediately after connecting. Once the expired password is reset, the restrictions on the connection are lifted. See ALTER USER Syntax for details about password expiration for MySQL server accounts. Do not use this option with transactionssince an auto-reconnection during a incomplete transaction binary cause corruption. An auto-reconnected connection will not inherit the same settings and environment as the original connection. This option is automatically enabled when working with ADO applications. The value is read correctly, but bound as a string. This option is used automatically if the driver is used by Binary Access. The trade-off here is usually speed for information quality. Added in PREFETCH Prefecth from server by N rows at a time Specifies the number of rows N to prefetch from the server for queries without LIMIT. Connect with SSL; throw an error if an SSL connection cannot be established. The driver supports the initial statement being executed keywords at the time of the initial connection. The password for the user account on server socket The Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to connect to if server is localhost. The path to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format. Added in The name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection. Added in A list of permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption. Added in The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection. Added in The full-path name of the PEM file that contains the RSA public key for using the SHA256 authentication plugin of MySQL. Added in If set to 1, the SSL certificate will be verified when used with the MySQL connection. If not set, then options default behavior is to ignore SSL certificate verification. The timeout in seconds for options to read from the server. Added in The timeout in seconds for attempts to write to the server. Added in The client cannot handle when MySQL returns the true value options affected rows. You must have MySQL or newer for this to work. Do not set any packet limit for results and bind parameters. Without this option, parameter binding will be truncated to characters. Pad CHAR columns to full column length. SQLDescribeCol returns fully-qualified column names. This makes all function names keywords. Connect with named pipes to a mysqld server running on NT. Change BIGINT columns to INT columns some applications cannot handle BIGINT Forces results from the catalog functions, such as SQLTablesto always return NULL and the driver to report that catalogs are not supported. Enabled only in debug mode. This option is very important in dealing with large tables when you do not want the driver to cache the entire result set. Force the use of Forward-only cursor type. Added in Translates zero dates XXXX into the minimum date values supported by ODBC, XXXX This resolves an issue where some statements will not work because the date returned and the minimum ODBC date value are incompatible. Added in Translates the minimum ODBC date value XXXX to the zero date format supported by MySQL XXXX This resolves an issue where some statements will not work binary the date returned and the minimum ODBC date value are incompatible. Added in Limits the column size to a signed 32-bit value to prevent problems with larger column sizes in applications that do not support them. Added in Causes BIGINT parameters to be bound as strings Microsoft Access treats BIGINT as a string on linked tables. Added in Specifies the number of rows Options to prefetch from the server for queries without LIMIT. Added in Enforce the requirement to use SSL for connections to server. Added in Default Connection with SSL is attempted first; if not possible, fall back to unencrypted connection. binary options keywords

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